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Big Joe sweetly: Sun Lang, cheap toms wrong. The burberry outlet second day, after Sun Ce and Big Joe to Joe Public Bingming case, Joe Public will naturally not stay strong, they arranged a dozen soldiers escorted toms lean ita two. Carry only two simple clothing, on the afternoon rush off. At this time, Sun Jian 's army has immediate concern Jingzhou territory. Liu Biao heard about Sun Jian led troops to commit, I do not panic. Sun Jian Su know he is a tiger, extraordinary valor, but lack strategy and extravagant nor can strategizing for the next person.

Initially,toms, prefect of Huang Xiangyang Liu Biao sent between FanCheng, Sun Jian Deng army against the county. Sun Jian Huang beat, win, crossed the Han River, surrounded Xiangyang. Xiangyang city was founded in the Western Han Dynasty, located in the county named Yang Xiang water, south of the jurisdiction of the Han River, east of Lujiang County, north of the region. Liu Biao after the state government set Xiangyang, that massive construction projects outside the Old City in the original re- built a wall, around the middle of the old city. Also cited Xiang water surrounded by walls, that barrier.


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